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The Hulls Cove Schoolhouse is located at 6 Neighborhood Road on Route 3 in the Hulls Cove Village of Bar Harbor (Map). Coming from Ellsworth or Bangor follow Route 3, bear left at the head of Mount Desert Island continuing on Route 3. Set your tripmeter at this turn. About seven miles later the Schoolhouse will be on the right a short distance after passing a beautiful stone church, the Church of Our Father, on the left. The entrance is on Neighborhood Road, a small narrow road that resembles a driveway halfway down the hill.

  Parking at the Schoolhouse is limited, but parking may be allowed at the Church of Our Father at the top of the hill when not interfering with church events (specific times can be confirmed upon making reservations). It is a short walk to the Schoolhouse from there along a sidewalk adjacent to the roadway.

  Acadia National Park is located on Mt. Desert Island and the Visitor Center is located about 1 mile from the Schoolhouse [Acadia National Park].

Bar Harbor, being a summer resort town, has ample accommodations of all sorts [Bar Harbor].

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